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Travel from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe

In short, when you arrive in Hat Yai, you will need to make your way to Pakbara Pier to catch a ferry or speedboat to Koh Lipe. You can reach Pakbara Pier by taking a bus, minivan, or taxi from your hotel, train station, or bus station. The journey from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe takes between 3.30 and 5.30 hours.

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Bus and Ferry from Hat Yai Airport to Koh Lipe

Departure Time Departure Location Ferry Operator Duration Arrival Time Price per adult
08:45 Hat Yai Airport Lipe ferry and speed boat 4h 12:45 ฿ 900
09:00 Hat Yai Airport Jolly Travel 4h 30m 13:30 ฿ 900
09:00 Hat Yai Airport Smart En Plus 5h 14:00 ฿ 1,000
09:15 Hat Yai Airport Dee Travels Hatyai 4h 15m 13:30 ฿ 900
09:30 Hat Yai Airport Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club 3h 30m 13:00 ฿ 900
09:30 Hat Yai Airport Lipe ferry and speed boat 3h 30m 13:00 ฿ 900
11:00 Hat Yai Airport Smart En Plus 4h 15:00 ฿ 1000
11:15 Hat Yai Airport Dee Travels Hatyai 4h 15m 15:30 ฿ 1,000
11:30 Hat Yai Airport Saturn Pakbara Speedboat Club 3h 30m 15:00 ฿ 1,000
11:30 Hat Yai Airport Lipe ferry and speed boat 3h 30m 15:30 ฿ 1,000

Bus and Ferry from Hat Yai Railway Station to Koh Lipe

Departure Time Departure Location Ferry Operator Duration Arrival Time Price per adult
08:30 Hat Yai Railway Station Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club 4h 30m 13:00 ฿ 900
08:30 Hat Yai Railway Station Dee Travels Hatyai 5h 13:30 ฿ 900
10:30 Hat Yai Railway Station Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club 4h 30m 15:00 ฿ 900
10:30 Hat Yai Railway Station Dee Travels Hatyai 5h 15:30 ฿ 900

Bus and Ferry from Hat Yai Bus Station to Koh Lipe

Departure Time Departure Location Ferry Operator Duration Arrival Time Price per adult
08:15 Hat Yai Bus Station Dee Travels Hatyai 5h 15m 13:30 ฿ 900
08:30 Hat Yai Bus Station Smart En Plus 5h 30m 14:00 ฿ 1,000
10:15 Hat Yai Bus Station Dee Travels Hatyai 5h 15m 15:30 ฿ 900
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Bus and Ferry from Hat Yai Hotel Transfers to Koh Lipe

Departure Time Departure Location Ferry Operator Duration Arrival Time Price per adult
08:15 Hat Yai Transfer Dee Travels Hatyai 5h 15m 13:30 ฿ 900
08:30 Hat Yai Dee Hostel Dee Travels Hatyai 5h 13:30 ฿ 900
10:15 Hat Yai Transfer Dee Travels Hatyai 5h 15m 15:30 ฿ 900
10:30 Hat Yai Dee Hostel Dee Travels Hatyai 5h 15:30 ฿ 900

Koh Lipe to Hat Yai

The journey from Koh Lipe back to Hat Yai is the same in reverse, with several ferry or speedboat operators available to take you from Koh Lipe to Pakbara Pier. From there, you can take a bus or minivan back to Hat Yai. You can either buy your ticket in advance or on Koh Lipe.

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Hat Yai – Koh Lipe Travel Tips

If you’re planning to travel from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe, I would recommend that you plan ahead and check the schedules of the specific operators. It’s always best to book your tickets in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.

It’s also important to bring cash with you, as there are fees to be paid at the Pakbara Pier and Koh Lipe National Park. The Pakbara entrance fee is 20 THB, while the Koh Lipe National Park fee is 200 THB and is valid for seven days.

It is also worth noting that you can get a private taxi to Pakbara Pier (there are taxis usually waiting outside). I have done this while travelling with my family, and we had a lot of luggage. This was a convenient option and made the journey much smoother.

One important thing to keep in mind is to arrive at Pakbara Pier before the last ferry of the day departs for Koh Lipe.

Overall, these travel tips can help you have a smooth and enjoyable journey from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe. And don’t forget your hat, plenty of water, and sunscreen!

  • Plan ahead and check schedules of specific operators
  • Book tickets in advance to avoid last-minute hassles
  • Bring cash for Pakbara Pier and Koh Lipe National Park fees (20 THB and 200 THB respectively)
  • Private taxi available to Pakbara Pier (taxis usually waiting outside)
  • Arrive at Pakbara Pier before last ferry of the day
  • Don’t forget hat, water, and sunscreen for a comfortable journey

Hat Yai – Koh Lipe FAQ’s

How do you get from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe?

There are four main departure points from Hat Yai: Hat Yai Railway Station, Hat Yai Bus Station, Hat Yai Airport, or your hotel in Hat Yai. From there, travellers can take a bus or minivan to Pakbara Pier in Satun Province, which takes approximately two hours. From Pakbara Pier, travellers can choose between several ferry or speedboat operators to Koh Lipe.

How long does it take to get from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe?

It could take anywhere between 3.30 and 5.30 hours. 2 hours to get from Hat Yai to Pakbara Pier in Satun Province by bus or minivan. From there, the ferry ride to Koh Lipe takes around 90 minutes. Some of the reasons that it takes longer is due to waiting for the ferry, pick-ups at hotels and sometimes stops at Koh Tarutao and Koh Khai during the high season.

How long is the ferry/speedboat ride from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe?

The ferry ride and speedboat from Pakbara Pier to Koh Lipe take around 90 minutes.

Is there a ferry from Koh Lipe to Hat Yai airport?

There is no direct ferry from Koh Lipe to Hat Yai airport. However, travellers can take a ferry or speedboat from Koh Lipe to Pakbara Pier, then take a bus or minivan to Hat Yai Airport, which takes approximately two hours.

Which airport is closest to Koh Lipe?

The closest airport to Koh Lipe is Hat Yai International Airport, which is approximately a 2-hour drive (114.6 km) from Pakbara Pier.

Which airlines fly direct from Bangkok to Hat Yai?

Several airlines fly direct from Bangkok to Hat Yai, including Thai Airways, Bangkok Airways, and AirAsia.